Moving to Squarespace from WordPress

There are a lot of broken links and images in this new site. I’m gradually fixing them, but the export from WordPress to Squarespace hasn’t gone as nearly smoothly as one would have hoped. Plus I’m lazy (and retired) so I’ve been ignoring it. If there is a broken image, link, or whatever that you’d like to see — please do contact me. It’s helpful if you include the title of the page where the mistake is.

The good: the blog posts came over with the text intact.

The not-so-good: most of the images were lost. Individual images that were embedded directly into a page are OK. But anything that went into a ‘gallery’ widget didn’t. It’s deeply annoying.

(Also, why isn’t the year displayed in the blog post dates? I’ve been writing and doodling content for a long, long time. Some stuff on here is ancient. )

The products were all lost. I spent ages setting up a shop in WordPress but it didn’t travel over at all. I’m happy to sell pieces - some available stock is tagged with ‘for sale’. Please get in touch if you’re interested.

Really irritating: WordPress, for all its faults, has a delightfully easy mechanism for cross-referencing your own posts. You just click Ctrl-K, search for the post and bob’s your uncle. To do the same thing in Squarespace is … tedious. You have to first go to the referenced page, edit the page details, copy the link, go BACK to the referencing page, edit it and then do the Ctrl-K. I wish I’d tried that before I coughed up all that cash for a year. I do a LOT of cross-referencing :(


Fiesta Whitley Bay October 2023


Summer holiday collage