Creative Lives - Christian LAVIGNE
Image Source: Christian Lavigne
Christian Lavigne is a poet and 3D digital sculptor. He is president of ARS Mathématica. Christian was an early adopter of digital technology, complicated programming techniques and rapid prototyping to create art. (Ironically, the talk itself started off slowly due to technical problems, but interesting nonetheless.)His work varies and defies easy categorisation. It draws on history, symbolism, mythology and (often) Africa. One early work, Hommage à la Femme Noir is a theatre-set installation of waterjet-cut wood and florescent paints, representing three elements: water, earth and fire. The fourth element, air, is symbolized by a nude African ballerina whose body is also painted in fluo colors." The dancer choreographed and performed a dance about traditional women's life in Africa.Christian's work required years of painstaking experimentation and a certain amount of stubbornness and a good sense of humour to achieve. It took some time, but he convinced a medical medical company to scan his head to recreate his own skull in plaster using a 3D printer. The work is called Mnémosyne.A later work, Terrordure, reflects a social message about the destruction of the world and humanity by means of nefarious finance. Learn more about Christian's work here:
Software to view the 3D art browser can be downloaded from
Then navigate to the DAAP zone at Sketchfab.