Graduating (at last!)
Degree show: Friday 7th June 2024 at the National Glass Centre, Liberty Way, Sunderland
Channelling William Morris
Bought a new book of William Morris fabric and wallpaper designs
Essay: Marguerite Huré's Stained Glass, St-Joseph Le Havre
Marguerite Huré (1896-1967) was a master glazier who collaborated with Auguste Perret, the modernist architect and Maurice Denis, of the art movements les Nabis and the Symbolists.
Goodbye Bamburgh House, Hello John Marley
Changing studios from Bamburgh House in the Toon to John Marley in Scotswood.
Podcast - Kate McGwire and Sarah Stone's Watercolour Birds
Kate McGwire, a British abstract sculptor who works with the feathers of native British birds. She discusses on the podcast how a single feather being out of place would negatively impact both her own and Stone's work. But apart from a keenness of observation and skillful technique, the similarity in their art ends there.
The Queen's Gambit - Sofonisba Anguissola
Sofonisba Anguissola, one of the first known female painters to achieve international recognition in her own lifetime during the late Renaissance.
Vitreography - 1993 Harvey Littleton interview by Mildred Thompson
In 1993, Mildred Thompson worked as a guest artist in the Spruce Pine, North Carolina studio of glass artist Harvey Littleton. Her interview with him was published in in Art Papers, January/February 1994, Vol. 18, p2-5, 4p.
Gallery Visit - Huma Bhabha: Against Time
Reflections on a virtual visit (due to lockdown) to an exhibition of the monumental work of Huma Bhabha, is a mixed media artist and self-taught sculptor.