Mosaics 01: Scrap collages

The base for these are clear recycled glass church candle holders - they have three little 'feet' underneath to keep the candle up & off the table top, presumably to avoid it burning the surface. I haven't decided yet if I will grout these or use clear acrylic resin on them. I like the idea of acrylic resin, which will keep them fully translucent, but I'm concerned that the eventual owner might forget and let a candle burn down on it and I don't know what the repercussions of that might be with acrylic. It's the sort of thing they use on bar counters in the tropics to seal in coins and things -- I suppose it would be OK but I'd rather not take the risk.

The other approach would be to use grout in the cracks. It would frame the individual pieces in a solid colour (white in this case, unless I add a pigment to it). It wouldn't be quite so ethereally light, but it shouldn't be too heavy looking. You can see the 'feet' in base glass quite well in the second picture.

The glass in this piece are off-cuts. Leftovers from the Celtic knot, various other projects and some glass scraps I bought off ebay awhile ago. Getting someone else's glass offcuts off ebay seemed a good idea at the time, but in the end the cost of postage didn't make it worthwhile.

I've done two of these: this one in blues and another one in reds and oranges (offcuts from the Queen of the Night). They look like good Christmas presents, don't you think? I'm open to offers if anyone would like to buy one. :-)

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Card design 01: Seasons greetings


Printmaking 18: Woodgrain collagraphs